
与最好的钟一起在DEI: QA中移动指针

Special from 交易员杂志 | 5 minute read | October 24, 2023

最好的钟, 董事总经理, 人才管理和多元化主管, Equity and 包容 (DEI) at 存 shares her views on key priorities and initiatives in DEI. 在存, Bell leads talent acquisition and development and have responsibility for 存’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and ESG reporting. 在此之前,她是存的首席多元化官.

Q. Please tell us about your role at 存 and what you want to achieve in your position over the next few years.

KB: 我的正式头衔是 董事总经理, 人才管理和多元化主管, Equity and 包容 (DEI) at 存. I lead talent acquisition and development and have responsibility for 存’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and ESG reporting. 在此之前,我是存的首席多元化官.

My focus has been and will continue to be moving the needle on diversity, 股本, 包容, 以及对存工作场所的归属感. We know that it is critical to create connections between these areas to drive change, and by viewing our talent management and leadership development programs through this lens, I’m confident that we are poised to achieve even more progress here.

Related: Boca Highlights Sponsorship and DEI in Financial 服务

Q. What are the key priorities for 存 and yourself right now in DEI?

KB: 我的首要任务是培养人才, 劳动力多样化, 创建和建设社区, 加强我们的包容性环境. I am also focused on continuing to address unconscious bias and learnings to create a sense of belonging, 这是我们很多工作的重点.

We also continue focusing our CSR programming on STEM persistence and remain engaged with organizations like Girls Who Code. We are also implementing strategic sponsorships to increase community engagement.

Q. 你以前的工作是如何让你走到今天存的位置的?

KB: 在存工作了18年, 我在公司里担任过各种职务, 从技术, 到vnsr威尼斯城官网登入管理, 风险, 现在说说我现在的角色.

One of the most impactful experiences I’ve had at 存 was volunteering as a co-lead and then executive sponsor for our Pride+ 员工vns6060威尼斯城官网组(ERG). 作为一个 queer black woman, this has been a space where I feel I can be fully myself. 作为Pride+的首批联合主演之一, I developed leadership skills while also moving the organization closer to achieving its diversity goals.

在存工作期间, 我一直与员工保持密切联系, and my experience with ERG sponsorship and leadership has significantly informed what I'm doing today.

Q. What past tools/strategies are you applying to your current position as Head of Talent Management and DEI?

KB: I think one of the first things I remember talking about as a Pride+ ERG co-sponsor was the ability for the queer community to self-identify. While some work had been done through planning and working through technology implementations, we were not necessarily at the place we wanted to be in terms of self-id when I started my current role. So, when I took over, I knew this was an opportunity for improvement. 但这不仅仅是为了识别酷儿人群. 它是vns6060威尼斯城官网种族识别的, 种族, 性别, 国家的起源, 资深地位, 残疾状态, 和更多的. 我们的工作最终为实施提供了信息 自我意识的 存策略. This in turn helps me identify pockets of the organization that need greater focus. Implementing self-id was a win for the organization and will last hopefully long after I'm gone.

Q. 存的“金融市场”是什么. “前进”,这是对作为人才管理和DEI主管的你的意思?

KB: At 它的核心, 这是vns6060威尼斯城官网存指导的目的, 金融市场的创新变革, 做一个值得信赖的顾问. We want to continue to be an organization that leads the charge for the financial markets and moves them forward. I also see our tagline as expanding into diversity, 股本, 包容, and belonging. 是一样的. I want 存 to be at the forefront of leading the financial markets forward in terms of diversity, 公平与包容.

作为我们如何将其付诸实践的一个例子, 两年前,我们发布了首份ESG报告, 包括多样性, 公平和包容数据. We have led financial markets in publishing our DEI data because we understand that transparency is critical.

“My focus has been and will continue to be moving the needle on diversity, 股本, 包容, 以及对存工作场所的归属感.”

Q. How does 存 turn its commitments into actions in the DEI space?

KB: One of the things that we did was implement Men Advocating for Real Change, 或马克, 对组织领导人的培训, 大流行之前和大流行期间. MARC is a leadership diversity training program offered by an organization called Catalyst that trains leaders and individuals on recognizing 性别 bias and how it shows up in an organization and workplace. It also talks about racial bias and how that might show up in the workplace. 到今天为止, we've had 88% of our officer population go through that training and it has made leaders much more aware of how some of these barriers surface in the workplace.

存 is committed to mitigating bias, and training like this is key to doing so.

Q. What are the DEI initiatives or changes you are excited about in the financial services industry today?

KB: I get very excited about our participation and support of the Girls Who Code program. 每年一个星期, we have high school students come in and learn from employees across the organization, 课程由我们的技术领域驱动. It’s really quite exciting to have that younger generation in the workplace, 无论是虚拟的还是面对面的, 从他们的想法和思想中获益.

我们还启动了一个名为存新星的项目, 因为我们不仅想培养年轻人, particularly young women – we also want to stay connected with them and provide further development opportunities. 有了这个程序, we offer additional training and mentoring opportunities to these outstanding young people for free, staying in touch with them through their high school and college years. 最终, 也许有一天我们会看到他们在存工作, 塑造金融市场的未来!

这篇访谈最初发表于 交易员杂志.


存 董事总经理, 人才管理和多元化主管, Equity and 包容 (DEI)
